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The Lyell team work together to find out why the lorry was found with bodies inside and a dead driver at the wheel, and are truly shocked to discover where it leads them. Gabriel becomes emotionally invested and is presented with an ethical dilemma, and Jack gets a surprise visit.


Titre original
Crime: Silent Witness
53 min
Emilia Fox
David Caves
Theo Bougouneau
Aki Omoshaybi
Alastair Michael
Maria Forrester
Rhiannon May
Kate Bracken
Muna Otaru
Nadine Marshall
Emilio Villa-Muhammad
Helene Maksoud
Florian Rafuna
Joshua Coombes
Hector Abbott
Deya Du Preez
Craig Anthony-Kelly
Yiannis Alexiou
Kate Robbins
Maisie Ayres
Eoin Lynch
Ranhee Yoo
Sophia Carlo
Tommy Oldroyd
Jack Ryder
Rhiannon Jones
Polina Sulim
Max Myers
Rebecca Wojciechowski
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