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Davis is back. He's decided to stay in Aberdeen and continue with his traineeship at the MIT team. One small problem - his estranged father, Grantley, has decided it's a good time to visit, and he's got an agenda of his own. The MIT team have their work cut out when "reformed" drug kingpin, Grace McFadden's notorious fixer, Lucas Galloway, turns up dead, a new cocaine and ketamine compound is flooding the streets, and there's suspicion that there might be an impending turf war. To complicate things, Davis has to investigate the case of an unknown pregnant shoplifting stowaway, Mariam, who in the act of being charged has claimed that her partner has been killed on their journey across the sea.


Titre original
Granite Harbour
60 min
Martin Smith
Melina Åkerman Kvie
Alex Høgh Andersen
Kate Bracken
Afsaneh Dehrouyeh
Hannah Donaldson
Sam Garioch
Lesley Hart
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